5 LUNAS PRODUCCIONES has the honor of presenting STORM’s fifth album, a double Long Play on transparent vinyl (splatter). STORM LIVE is recorded live, as it happened, without recording, to maintain the freshness and spontaneity that has always characterized this band. They are like that, genuine, without fear or prejudice, just like when they recorded their first album. Nothing has been re-recorded as it happened.
It is the album that they lacked in their discography and the one that their followers have always demanded of them. They show that they are fitter than ever. STORM LIVE collects the presentation concert of “Cyber dream” at the Cultural Center of La Villa de San José de la Rinconada – La Rinconada (Seville) on May 3, 2019.
Diego Ruiz Geniz on drums and vocals, Ángel Ruiz Geniz on guitar and lead vocals, together with Manuel Muriel (Maese Muriel) on keyboards and José Ramón Torres (JR) on bass and vocals, unloaded their storm before a completely dedicated audience. A set list with 50 years of history remembering the successes of his three previous albums and the new compositions of “Cyber dream”.
STORM were protagonists of covers of newspapers and specialized magazines, they appear in all the books of the history of rock in Spain, with them it all began. They showed the way to the rest of the hard rock bands of this country. They are pioneers, and tireless teachers, who with more desire than ever, but with much more experience, continue to maintain new illusions and enjoy their music. This is hard rock without complexes.
After the success of their fourth album “Cyber dream”, STORM dares with a new one: STORM LIVE, to continue in style the celebration of their 50th ANNIVERSARY.
5 LUNAS PRODUCCIONES bets blindly again for STORM, and guarantees you a careful and magnificent production in this double LP, therefore, you can not stay without it. In addition, 5 LUNAS PRODUCCIONES proposes you to see the current live show that STORM has in concert, it will leave you amazed by the strength of its storm.