

Gato Ventura began his musical career in 2003 forming DESCARO, a group with which he recorded two albums: “Qué será” and “Vidas furtivas”. After a time dedicated body and soul to compose and test their new songs in every corner with their powerful acoustic, it is time to join Víctor Zurita, Anto Duque and Julián Blake to form what is currently GATO VENTURA Y LOS ERRANTES.

With this union they create a powerful and energetic live that leaves no one indifferent, their album “Delirios”, the first of a trilogy written in the first person where he collects the experiences lived and in which he masterfully mixes styles such as classic rock, Andalusian rock, flamenco and hardrock brushstrokes.

The first and second parts have been recorded, mixed and mastered at El Sótano studios, under the direction of Íker Piedrafita (Dikers, Miss October), one of the most nationally recognized producers. In these albums you can find collaborations of the stature of Paco Ventura (Medina Azahara), Kutxi Romero (Marea), Manolillo Chinato, Vito Íñiguez (Sínkope), Fernando Madina (Reincidentes) and other great figures of patriotic rock.

Ventura Cat is with the batteries charged to get back on the road as soon as possible, being the next plans of the band, to tour with Delirios Part 2, an album that still has a lot to say, having placed its first two singles in the quarter of a million reproductions on Spotify in a few months.

See you on stage!




Gato Ventura – 2020 – Delirios Parte 2 – Córtame las penas – Adelanto Delirios 2


La llorona 🚀2020🎸ROCK🎸 – Gato Ventura con Gisela Hidalgo y Paco Luque (Hora Zulú)


El Desaire – Gato Ventura con Taber (Malsujeto) – 🐱‍🏍2021 Videoclip


Dime por qué… Gato Ventura – Videoclip – 💥2022


Gato Ventura 💥2022💥Todos los gatos son pardos – VIDEOCLIP – Delirios Parte 2 – All cats are brown

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