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Juan Antonio


Yesterday, Friday, May 7, a talk – colloquium on Andalusian rock was held at the facilities of “La Térmica” in Malaga. Organized by the Diputación de Málaga and presented by Héctor Márquez, the origins and evolution of Andalusian rock were discussed. Pepe Roca from the Alameda group and Manuel Imán, from the Imán Califato Independiente group were the invited musicians to tell and directly share their experiences. Talk very well directed by Héctor who knew how to get out of Pepe and Manuel the most human and spontaneous side of each of them.

They dared to sing between the two some brushstrokes to illustrate musically the act that was widely applauded by the attendees.Activities like this and a lot of promotion in the media is what we need to increase the attendance of the public in the concerts of any band or musician that sustains an Andalusian rock show.

We attended the event very interested accompanied by the musician Juan Delola, who is also contributing his grain of sand to the genre, and we show once again the support and our commitment to Andalusian rock that we love passionately.



The Noche Andaluza 2021 tour begins with the participation of 5 Lunas Producciones

ANDALUSIAN NIGHT Tribute to Andalusian Rock. Show produced and directed by the guitarist JuanDelola, where the most representative songs of Andalusian Rock of the late 70s are reviewed as a tribute A whole musical and cultural movement that marked a whole generation, creating a before and after in Andalusian and Spanish music.


Enter. Nochand Andaluza (1983) ALAMEDA. On the Lake (1975) TRIANA. Aires de la alameda (1979) ALAMEDA. Walking through the mosque (1980) MEDINA AZAHARA. A Night of Desperate Love (1981) TRIANA . Baila gitana (1978) GUADALQUIVIR. Rumor (1977) TRIANA. Open Night (1980) CAI. Memories of a Night (1974) TRIANA. The March of the Dwarfs (1980) INDEPENDENT CALIPHATE MAGNET. Mr. Troncoso (1977) TRIANA. Al Andalus (1977) MIGUEL RÍOS. Everything is colored (1975) TRIANA. El garrotín (1971) SMASH. The legend of time (1979) SHRIMP. New Day (1975) LOLE AND MANUEL. Fresh Air (1977) DIEGO DE MORÓN. I want to tell you (1979) TRIANA. Recuerdos de mi tierra (1979) MOSQUE. Open the Door (1975) TRIANA. Your coldness (1980) TRIANA. MEDLEY MEDINA AZAHARA, 40 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: Everything Has Its End (1992) – Words of Freedom (1993) – Cordoba (2003) – Speed (1989) – I Need to Breathe (1992 )

SHERISH – Reissue with new mixes and format of the album “El candil”

When SHERISH recorded “El candil” in 2017 it did not belong to the office of 5 Lunas Producciones and they did it in a self-produced way. When we were their manager we always wanted to produce a reissue of this album because we were convinced that we could get much more sound performance.

We are currently immersed in a pure work of sound archaeology, dusting off tracks and recovering sounds from that recording that Sherish made in Nashville Studios, because we do not want to record it again, it would not be the same, and the “magic” that that album had would be lost. We have reached an agreement with the technicians of Nashville and between them and 5 Lunas, we are dedicating time, care and a lot of love in reviewing track by track, second by second all the content of the recorded material. We can tell you that the result is being amazing and very surprising. The effort is worth it because 5 Lunas always bet on Sherish, and as in all previous editions of 5 Lunas, we are also very proud of this work.

So in full preparation and recording sessions of what will be Sherish’s second work, we launch with this reissue of “El candil” with a new format with the healthy intention of leaving the work in the place it deserves.

¡¡¡¡Sesigue defending and betting on the continuity of the legacy of Andalusian rock¡¡¡


Meeting in Jerez de la Frontera with Juanma Rodríguez (keyboardist and one of Sherish’s composers). We begin to address the production of what will be the second album of this magnificent Andalusian progressive rock band where they are especially characterized, apart from their originality and forcefulness, the arabesque and Andalusian sounds.

We face this work with great enthusiasm and with the conviction that it will end up being a discazo.


Jaime Padilla (ONZA) and Juan Antonio Vergara (5 LUNAS) meet to study details of the production of ONZA’s new album. We have for sale some merchandising items in our online store https://5lunas.net/producto-categoria/artistas/onza/ and we agreed to reveal on our website the name of the album: “Divergence and convergence

There are many tracks recorded and I can assure you that we are facing a pleasant and important evolution of the band, for now we will only detract from the name of the album. Little by little we will advance information.




After it rains in the eyes it always scampes in the heart”

On February 14 at 20:00 hours, 5 LUNAS PRODUCCIONES and SHERISH will present exclusively the premiere of the video clip of our new song “Escampa”.

In this production we have had the important collaboration of Manuel Martínez (Singer of Medina Azahara), along with other musicians. We think that with “Escampa” we take another step forward to keep intact the goal of continuing to give a lot of life to Andalusian Progressive Rock.


Alberto Ramírez: Vocals and Drums.
Juanma Rodríguez: Keyboards and Piano.
Juan Antonio Ramírez: Electric guitars.
Diego Fernández: Electric bass.

*Lyrics: Alberto Ramírez & Manuel Martínez
*Music: Alberto Ramírez & Juanma Rodriguez
Produced by 5 Lunas Producciones and Sherish

*Manuel Martinez (Medina Azahara): Vocals
*Manuel Ibáñez (Medina Azahara): Backing vocals
*Jesús Melli (D ́Caramelo): Backing vocals
*Antonio Ramírez (Casa Andalucía de Leganés): Flamenco guitar

*Sound Recorded and Mastered in “Estudios Audiorama” (Puerto Real – Cádiz)
*Voice of Manuel Martínez and Choirs of Manuel Ibáñez recorded in “Estudios Samurai” (Córdoba)
*Flamenco guitar recorded at “Estudios Naninartwork” (Madrid)
*Videolyric: Underground Visuals




“After it rains in the eyes it always scampes in the heart”

5 Lunas Producciones will present in a few days the new video clip on the impeccable theme of our group: SHERISH. We are very satisfied with the production of “Escampa” because once again they demonstrate the potential of composition and execution of the band. From here we want to thank the outstanding collaboration of Manuel Martínez (Singer of Medina Azahara) and Manuel Ibañez (Medina Azahara). Jesús Melli (D’Caramelo) has also collaborated with the choirs. And Antonio Ramírez (Casa Andalucía de Leganés) with flamenco guitar.

Another peculiarity that “Escampa” has is that after 47 years, SHERISH reunites two musicians who played together in the first stage of “Retorno” (Juan Antonio Ramirez – guitar and Manuel Martínez – voice), a band that preceded MEDINA AZAHARA.

With them, “Escampa” became even bigger.

“After it rains in the eyes it always scampes in the heart”

Stay tuned for the news

STORM AND MOSQUE at the X Santiago Art Rock International Festival (February 5 and 6, 2021)

On February 5 and 6, 2021, the Santiago Art Rock Festival is celebrated in its tenth edition that will last two days. 5 Lunas Producciones has had the honor of collaborating with Mylodón Records.

The first of the days will be the Friday 5th with the participation of MOSQUE among other great groups of international progressive rock.

The second day will be the Saturday 6 Where it participates STORM. The festival will start at 01:00 hours in Spain, 21:00 hours in Chile (4 hours time difference)

Everyone who can enjoy it has the opportunity to do so for free in streaming by clicking on this link.


5 Lunas and Mylodon Records sign collaboration agreement

The record labels Mylodon Records of Chile and 5 Lunas of Spain signed a collaborative agreement to strengthen the dissemination and distribution of the artists and products of each record company.

This was confirmed by Juan Barrenechea, representative of the Chilean label and his counterpart Juan Antonio Vergara, director of 5 Lunas, who ratified this strategic alliance that will include the exclusive distribution of their works in their respective territories from this year.

“Today it is very necessary to promote collaborative models. We are very happy to link up with 5 Lunas, since along with what is related to record distribution, we also want to generate common circuits for presentations of our artists, “said Barrenechea.

“Today we have to unite more than ever, together we can achieve better goals. We are very satisfied with this interesting agreement that expands the radius of international activity of the two firms”, commented Juan Antonio Vergara.

5 Lunas is a label, based in Andalusia, which includes great groups of Spanish progressive rock, especially of Andalusian tradition, such as Storm, Mezquita and Sherish, among many others.

It should be noted that the first testimony of this agreement will be reflected in the participation of Storm and Mezquita in the tenth version of the Santiago Art Rock Festival, on February 5 and 6.

Randy López – Rarities, innovation and musical power

Randy López has a new project that will undoubtedly surprise very pleasantly. Rarities, innovations and the musical power that has always characterized this great master of Andalusian Rock, are the ingredients of the next album that Randy López will put on the market during 2021 with 5 Lunas Producciones.

5 Lunas trusts blindly in his creativity and experience, that’s why we are going to produce a discazo with a lot of love and professionalism.

We continue to bet on Randy!, In addition, we have done many things together and we will continue to do them.

Onza – The purest and most orthodox Progressive Rock

After the meeting we had with Jaime Padilla, Onza’s guitarist, we advanced two news. The first is that the band’s next album is in the works. The songs are composed by him and Alejandro Pérez (keyboardist) and they tell us that they have given it a new touch but without leaving the usual progressive, more orthodox and with fewer fusions.

The second news is that this work will come out with the 5 Lunas label and it is expected that we will enter the recording studio for March or April 2021, Until that date they will be studying arrangements and outlining each song to get them ready for recording.

Delola – Working on new ideas

We would like to inform all the followers of the group and people interested in our music, that currently and until we can resume the live activity, we are working on new ideas and songs that we hope to show you in the future … Meanwhile, you can enjoy our latest album Legado, published this year and edited by 5 Lunas Producciones.

Long live Andalusian rock!

Anairt – First album

5 Lunas Producciones and the group ANAIRT arrive in the final phase of the recording of their first album that will be called: “NUESTRO TIEMPO”. We have very important collaborations of legendary musicians of Andalusian rock. You will be very pleasantly surprised because we have made new arrangements in the songs. Guaranteed success.

Storm – Documentary

A fabulous documentary is being shot about the history of the group STORM, a pioneer of hard rock in Spain. Interviews and testimonies of important musicians, producers and journalists, endorse this magnificent film. The director of the project is the filmmaker Jesús Ponce who with an important production team behind is getting a spectacular job. We will continue to provide news about it so that you are informed.

Sherish – Latest work

The Jerez group SHERISH and 5 Lunas, finish the recording of their latest single “ESCAMPA”. We have the collaboration and support of well-known musicians of one of the most important bands of Andalusian rock whose names we will reveal later.

“ESCAMPA” is a song very much in the line of the band, where they show their influences and show the forcefulness of their particular sound with their arabesque influences.

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