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5 Moons

5 LUNAS – Un Nuevo Capítulo en la Historia de STORM

Comunicado Oficial de 5 Lunas Producciones:

Un Nuevo Capítulo en la Historia de STORM

Estimados seguidores de STORM, clientes de 5 Lunas y distribuidores,

Nos complace anunciar que la legendaria banda sevillana de hard rock STORM ha culminado la grabación de su esperado quinto disco de estudio. Este nuevo trabajo, que está próximo a entrar en su fase final de mezcla y masterización, promete ser una de las joyas más brillantes en la ya icónica carrera de la banda.

Un sonido brutalmente auténtico y poderoso

Desde el primer compás, podemos asegurarles que este álbum recoge la esencia pura de STORM, pero con una fuerza renovada. No solo hemos mantenido la potencia y el espíritu que caracterizaron sus inicios, sino que también hemos añadido un “toque” muy especial que encantará tanto a los fans de siempre como a las nuevas generaciones. Por primera vez desde su disco debut en 1974, STORM ha grabado con un auténtico órgano Hammond de mueble pesado, con su correspondiente Leslie, recreando ese sonido tan peculiar que ha sido parte de la firma sonora de la banda desde sus inicios. Gracias a la pasión y dedicación del teclista, que adquirió este Hammond para capturar ese carácter único, el disco se sumerge en una atmósfera que combina a la perfección la tradición con la modernidad.

Una producción que destaca en cada detalle

En 5 Lunas Producciones, hemos puesto todo nuestro esfuerzo y recursos en este proyecto para asegurarnos de que el resultado final esté a la altura de las expectativas. Desde la grabación en uno de los mejores estudios de Sevilla, con la participación de destacados ingenieros de sonido, hasta la creación de una portada espectacular a cargo del reconocido fotógrafo y director de cine Jesús Ponce, cada elemento de este disco ha sido concebido con la más alta calidad. La portada del álbum, estamos seguros, llamará la atención por su originalidad y simbolismo, ofreciendo un nuevo concepto de portada totalmente diferente a las anteriores con una imagen inolvidable.

El mejor disco de STORM desde 1974

Este nuevo disco no solo retoma la esencia que hizo de STORM un referente en el rock español, sino que también aprovecha las ventajas de las técnicas actuales para ofrecer un sonido que, sin perder su autenticidad, llega con una nitidez y calidez que harán las delicias de los melómanos. Para ello, hemos decidido que el disco sea masterizado en analógico, buscando ese “calorcito” característico de la época dorada del rock, y asegurándonos de conservar todos los matices que definen el estilo inconfundible de la banda.

Importantes colaboraciones y más sorpresas por revelar

Sabemos que los seguidores de STORM estarán deseando conocer más detalles, y prometemos que no los decepcionaremos. Pronto desvelaremos el nombre del disco, la lista completa de canciones, las colaboraciones estelares que han participado, y, por supuesto, la tan esperada fecha de lanzamiento. Además, estamos trabajando en un video clip promocional que acompañará este lanzamiento, que será una experiencia visual tan impactante como lo es el sonido del álbum.

Este disco está llamado a ser un éxito en la historia de STORM, un tributo a su legado y un regalo para todos los que han seguido a la banda desde sus inicios, así como para aquellos que están descubriendo su música hoy. Estén atentos a nuestras próximas comunicaciones para más detalles.

Agradecemos su apoyo incondicional y esperamos que estén tan emocionados como nosotros por este próximo lanzamiento. Sin duda, este disco será un verdadero acontecimiento que marcará un antes y un después en la trayectoria de STORM.


¡El rock no ha muerto, y STORM está aquí para demostrarlo una vez más!


Con nuestro más sincero agradecimiento,

5 Lunas Producciones



Dos años después del lanzamiento del doble disco en directo de los míticos STORM, 5 Lunas llegó a un acuerdo con STORM para publicar un nuevo disco, que sería el quinto de estudio y el sexto contando el directo. Aparte se publicó el Lost in Time en CD y recientemente hemos publicado el primero y el segundo en CD remasterizados mejorando notablemente el sonido.

El disco ya está grabado, estamos con las mezclas en el estudio. Se ha grabado en Tempo Estudios (Sevilla) durante el mes de julio, para que tenga mas calorcito. Contamos con importantes colaboraciones que ya iremos desvelando. Y podemos decir que el disco contiene 8 temazos de categoría, temas nuevos y una flamante versión de un tema anterior que va a sorprender a los aficionados.

Os podemos decir que tanto STORM como 5 Lunas hemos puesto todo en el asador, en medios, en ganas en ilusión, en presupuestos, y sobre todo en ejecución y calidad de sonido. Creemos que será de muy gran agrado de los seguidores de la banda y aficionados al hard rock.

Importante comunicar que para conservar la pureza del sonido original del órgano Hammond con su leslie, se ha grabado en analógico con importantes técnicos y equipo de grabación, así podemos garantizar que el sonido del disco es potente y auténtico. A través de nuestras redes y las de STORM iremos dando mas noticias del disco, permaneced atentos que iremos informando.



Lanzamiento del nuevo álbum de ATILA

Por fin, y después de muchos meses de producción, 5 Lunas Producciones tiene el placer de anunciar el lanzamiento del sorprendente nuevo álbum “Encarnació” de la legendaria banda de Rock progresivo de los años 70´: ATILA. Lo estábamos deseando y nos provoca una tremenda ilusión.

En los años 80, la última formación de ATILA experimentó cambios y exploró nuevas composiciones, algunas de las cuales se presentaron en vivo (Encarnació A y B, y Estranya mágia). Inspirado por esta etapa de creatividad, Joan Punyet (batería original) reunió estos temas finales junto con nuevas composiciones suyas pensadas para Atila (Dansa del datil daurat y Retorn) y una del teclista original Benet Nogué (Volada) para crear y darle forma a “Encarnació”.

Cuarenta y seis años después del “Reviure” (1978), Joan Punyet, toma las riendas de este proyecto apoyado por el sello discográfico especializado en Rock Progresivo 5 Lunas. Con un sonido especialmente cuidado, aplicando una mezcla y masterización íntegramente analógica, estará disponible en formato físico CD a partir del 5 de julio de 2024.

El álbum captura la esencia pura de ATILA con pasajes que reflejan su estilo distintivo y trae a la vida composiciones inéditas que han sido adaptadas e interpretadas con un nuevo sonido instrumental, no se trata de una masterización antigua, sino de una nueva producción que ha requerido meses de trabajo en estudio cuidando cada detalle con el criterio al mas puro estilo del sonido original de ATILA.

El álbum cuenta con la colaboración de músicos que aunque no formaron parte de la banda, comparten el compromiso de preservar la esencia y el sonido, la magia y el espíritu de los años dorados de rock progresivo y de ATILA.

Para más información sobre la edición del álbum “Encarnació”, visite www.5lunas.net y siga las redes sociales de ATILA y 5 Lunas, donde encontrará actualizaciones en tiempo real de este trabajo.



El pasado sábado 11 de mayo tuvo lugar la presentación de nuestra colección “Progressive Rock Side of Five Moons” en un acto previo a los conciertos del Festival Minnuendo en Peralta (Navarra). Queremos expresar nuestro agradecimiento a todos los que asistieron y se sumaron a la celebración (entre ellos muchos conocedores y entendidos del progresivo de diferentes puntos de nuestra geografía), a la organización del festival por cedernos el espacio, a los medios de comunicación por hacer eco de la noticia, a los técnicos, pero de una forma muy especial a los músicos, porque sin ellos hubiera sido imposible llevar a cabo esta idea.

Desde 5 Lunas y el equipo de producción estamos encantados de ver cómo estos discos se convierten en parte de vuestras colecciones personales, y de comprobar una vez más que la música tiene el poder de unirnos. 🎶💫



(El lado progresivo de 5 LUNAS)
Prepárate para una nueva experiencia sonora con el lanzamiento de “Progressive Rock Side of Five Moons”, una colección que celebra y difunde el antes y el presente del rock progresivo español.
En 5 LUNAS Producciones nos complace anunciar que los primeros volúmenes de esta serie exclusiva verán la luz el próximo 7 de mayo de 2024, marcando un comienzo para explorar y sacar a la luz los trabajos más oscuros y desconocidos, y las creaciones más innovadoras de este género musical en nuestro país.
“Progressive Rock Side of Five Moons” no es solo una colección de temas musicales; es un viaje a través de la historia y la evolución del rock progresivo en España, un género que ha sabido mezclar técnica, emociones y una narrativa única en sus composiciones.
Cada volumen ha sido cuidadosamente trabajado para mostrar, no solo los sonidos clásicos que han definido este estilo, sino también para descubrir grabaciones inéditas y material exclusivo de bandas actuales, y otras, que por el motivo que sea, no pudieron publicar su trabajo. Así, ofrecemos una perspectiva fresca y profunda del panorama musical progresivo español. Una edición para coleccionistas con detallada información.
5 LUNAS Producciones pretende con estos lanzamientos conectar con aficionados, coleccionistas y nuevos oyentes, invitándoles a sumergirse en la complejidad y belleza de este género.
Esta colección es una celebración de la creatividad, la experimentación y el espíritu vanguardista que caracteriza al rock progresivo español, buscando no sólo preservar su legado, sino también inspirar a futuras generaciones de músicos y melómanos.
Marquen en sus calendarios la fecha del día 7 de mayo y prepárense para ser parte de este emocionante capítulo en la historia de la música española.
Súmate a esta aventura musical y descubre con nosotros la magia del rock progresivo español.
Contacto e información: cincolunasproducciones@gmail.com



Important news for the followers of the Cordovan group based in Lucena ARÁBIGA, and for the followers of 5 LUNAS. Arábiga and 5 LUNAS reached an agreement to produce and publish the band’s third album with our label. The album will be called “Amores y desengaños” and will be composed of 12 new songs that have been recorded with renewed ideas and some changes in the formation of the band, but maintaining the backbone of Mario (guitar), Pepe (keyboards) and Raúl (bass).

We believe that it will be very well received by the entire Arabic family, 5 Lunas and the Andalusian rock in general. The satisfaction is mutual, the agreement has been fast, the two parties have been clear, and each one bets on the other. We will already notify of the release date because at the moment we are finishing details of the mixes and finalizing the graphic part of the design so that it is of a high level.




Yesterday, Wednesday, October 27, we held a long meeting with members of the Granada group Varekai and 5 Lunas in the Malaga town of Fuengirola. We talked about everything a little, we analyzed the musical news of his area of activity and we saw the possibilities of working together in some way.

We sincerely believe that there are possibilities to do things together and show that the city of the Alhambra is musically very active. As we already know, one of our goals at 5 Lunas is to support music “made in Andalusia” and we continue to work on it.





An honor and a pride for 5 Lunas Producciones, to announce the production of the last show, for this year (since next year will continue), of NOCHE ANDALUZA, TRIBUTE TO ANDALUSIAN ROCK. After touring practically since the month of May by many localities of Andalusia.

We review as a tribute, the most representative songs of the so-called

Andalusian Rock Movement

. An emotional journey back in time to the Andalusia of the seventies, where this historic musical and cultural event was born, which meant a before and after in the music of this country. Triana, Alameda, Medina Azahara, Lole y Manuel, Imán, Camarón, Guadalquivir, Mezquita, Miguel Ríos, Cai, Diego de Morón or Smash are some of the groups and artists honored. The show, in addition to live music, is supported by strictly documented voice-overs. This makes it have a clear cultural and informative character, and that the spectator enjoys a dynamic, fun, magical, and full of emotions concert, knowing at the same time in depth the history and music of an era that marked an entire generation.



Again the progressive rock of Andalusia with international projection. Once again, 5 Lunas Producciones collaborates with the International Progressive Rock Festival SANTIAGO ART ROCK in its eleventh edition (STGO ART XI). The Spanish bands that we contribute on this occasion are the Sevillian VÁNDALUS with their Andalusian rock full of strength and forcefulness and the Jerez band ONZA with its progressive Spanish classic, neo prog point and typical touches of the Andalusian land. We are convinced that they will like them and it will be a new international window for the two Andalusian bands.

They will participate with bands such as TRETTIOARIAGA KRIGET (Sweden), ENINE (Russia), BUBU, PABLO EL ENTERRADOR (Argentina) and the Chileans EVOLUCION, SHILENSIS and ESPIRAL

The festival will be held on Saturday, August 28 in streaming through the Mylodón youtube channel, whose link we will announce in time so that we all enjoy it.


One of the main objectives of 5 LUNAS PRODUCCIONES is to support Andalusian rock as a musical and cultural heritage of Andalusia that cannot be missed. In the province of Jaén there was never an Andalusian rock group, that we have reference, until today, that we have discovered a band that begins to take its first steps with a tremendous illusion.

5 LUNAS will publish for the end of July, beginning of August, the first album of the Jaennense group GRANDE CRUZ that will be called “Regreso al sur”. New initiative with its own themes to reinforce the reconquest of Andalusian rock town by town, province by province throughout Andalusia. It is evident that there is a resurgence of rock music in Andalusia and 5 LUNAS continues its fight in defense of it. First group of Jaen, hopefully continue to emerge more, it seems that the new Andalusian rock continues its march.

Long life to Andalusian rock!!


During the visit to Malaga of Manel Cantón, singer and Spanish guitarist of the group Montoro, we met with him to talk about everything a little. Between memories and laughter, we reviewed the current musical panorama and of course, we talked about projects.

Manel was the leader of the band, the one who pulled the cart and talking to him came up with the idea of making a CD edition of Montoro’s first album “Esencia” published in 1991. This first album of the Catalan group with Andalusian components, was recognized over time and after the dissolution of the band. Montoro were loyal admirers of Triana. Its members had Andalusian roots (Córdoba and Granada) and were so impacted by Triana’s music and philosophy of life that their music was highly influenced by them. So much so that they even dedicated a song to Don Jesús de la Rosa.

We will work on the idea of publishing on CD that wonderful work called “Essence” with the intention of disseminating his music and offering the possibility to those who no longer have turntables to play that LP, to be able to listen to this group.


Yesterday, Wednesday, June 9, the latest album of 5 Lunas was presented in Jerez. This is the reissue of the first and only album so far, by the Jerez group Sherish: “El Candil”. The place chosen was the room La Guarida del Ángel, where musicians, professionals and amateurs coincided who were welcomed with a glass of Xerez.

The event was presented in a very natural and close way by Salvador Vélez Cortés who began by talking about Sherish’s career and the links that since its inception always existed with 5 Lunas. He spoke of the importance of the continuity of Andalusian rock and the role that Sherish takes in keeping the flame burning, among other things hence the name “El Candil”. Later took the floor Juanma Rodríguez, keyboardist of Sherish, who on behalf of his colleagues showed the gratitude and support that the band has always received by the fans and especially by the producer that represents them. He commented anecdotes and experiences of the recording of the album and showed his happiness for this edition. Then Juan Antonio Vergara Soto, on behalf of 5 Lunas, commented details of the production of this reissue and expressed pride and satisfaction with the level of finish of the work. The notable improvements in the audio and graphic design (Totem GrafiArt) of the album were also highlighted and ended talking about the recording that is being carried out of Sherish’s second album and all the record projects that 5 Lunas Producciones has underway for this year.

He also attended the event as a representative of the legendary musicians of Andalusian rock, Andrés Olaegui (guitar of the group Guadalquivir), a musician in whom at the beginning of 5 Lunas the producer trusted him by publishing his third solo album and the first for the producer. He also talked about his new musical projects. Another musician who was called to take the stage was Mike Starry (Omni) who talked about the album that 5 Lunas is producing with them and that in the world of progressive rock has raised a lot of expectation, it will be Omni’s fourth. And to end the act, José Ramón Sánchez of the Nashville Studio also took the stage and thanked 5 Lunas for having them again on this occasion, because they are also united by many links with Sherish who was commenting.

The attendees could hear and acquire the album while various Sherish merchandising and between applause an act of coexistence was ended where everyone agreed that it was really worth deciding to make an edition with quality of that dream that four young people had in 2017.


Yesterday, Friday, May 7, a talk – colloquium on Andalusian rock was held at the facilities of “La Térmica” in Malaga. Organized by the Diputación de Málaga and presented by Héctor Márquez, the origins and evolution of Andalusian rock were discussed. Pepe Roca from the Alameda group and Manuel Imán, from the Imán Califato Independiente group were the invited musicians to tell and directly share their experiences. Talk very well directed by Héctor who knew how to get out of Pepe and Manuel the most human and spontaneous side of each of them.

They dared to sing between the two some brushstrokes to illustrate musically the act that was widely applauded by the attendees.Activities like this and a lot of promotion in the media is what we need to increase the attendance of the public in the concerts of any band or musician that sustains an Andalusian rock show.

We attended the event very interested accompanied by the musician Juan Delola, who is also contributing his grain of sand to the genre, and we show once again the support and our commitment to Andalusian rock that we love passionately.



The Noche Andaluza 2021 tour begins with the participation of 5 Lunas Producciones

ANDALUSIAN NIGHT Tribute to Andalusian Rock. Show produced and directed by the guitarist JuanDelola, where the most representative songs of Andalusian Rock of the late 70s are reviewed as a tribute A whole musical and cultural movement that marked a whole generation, creating a before and after in Andalusian and Spanish music.


Enter. Nochand Andaluza (1983) ALAMEDA. On the Lake (1975) TRIANA. Aires de la alameda (1979) ALAMEDA. Walking through the mosque (1980) MEDINA AZAHARA. A Night of Desperate Love (1981) TRIANA . Baila gitana (1978) GUADALQUIVIR. Rumor (1977) TRIANA. Open Night (1980) CAI. Memories of a Night (1974) TRIANA. The March of the Dwarfs (1980) INDEPENDENT CALIPHATE MAGNET. Mr. Troncoso (1977) TRIANA. Al Andalus (1977) MIGUEL RÍOS. Everything is colored (1975) TRIANA. El garrotín (1971) SMASH. The legend of time (1979) SHRIMP. New Day (1975) LOLE AND MANUEL. Fresh Air (1977) DIEGO DE MORÓN. I want to tell you (1979) TRIANA. Recuerdos de mi tierra (1979) MOSQUE. Open the Door (1975) TRIANA. Your coldness (1980) TRIANA. MEDLEY MEDINA AZAHARA, 40 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: Everything Has Its End (1992) – Words of Freedom (1993) – Cordoba (2003) – Speed (1989) – I Need to Breathe (1992 )

SHERISH – Reissue with new mixes and format of the album “El candil”

When SHERISH recorded “El candil” in 2017 it did not belong to the office of 5 Lunas Producciones and they did it in a self-produced way. When we were their manager we always wanted to produce a reissue of this album because we were convinced that we could get much more sound performance.

We are currently immersed in a pure work of sound archaeology, dusting off tracks and recovering sounds from that recording that Sherish made in Nashville Studios, because we do not want to record it again, it would not be the same, and the “magic” that that album had would be lost. We have reached an agreement with the technicians of Nashville and between them and 5 Lunas, we are dedicating time, care and a lot of love in reviewing track by track, second by second all the content of the recorded material. We can tell you that the result is being amazing and very surprising. The effort is worth it because 5 Lunas always bet on Sherish, and as in all previous editions of 5 Lunas, we are also very proud of this work.

So in full preparation and recording sessions of what will be Sherish’s second work, we launch with this reissue of “El candil” with a new format with the healthy intention of leaving the work in the place it deserves.

¡¡¡¡Sesigue defending and betting on the continuity of the legacy of Andalusian rock¡¡¡


Meeting in Jerez de la Frontera with Juanma Rodríguez (keyboardist and one of Sherish’s composers). We begin to address the production of what will be the second album of this magnificent Andalusian progressive rock band where they are especially characterized, apart from their originality and forcefulness, the arabesque and Andalusian sounds.

We face this work with great enthusiasm and with the conviction that it will end up being a discazo.


Jaime Padilla (ONZA) and Juan Antonio Vergara (5 LUNAS) meet to study details of the production of ONZA’s new album. We have for sale some merchandising items in our online store https://5lunas.net/producto-categoria/artistas/onza/ and we agreed to reveal on our website the name of the album: “Divergence and convergence

There are many tracks recorded and I can assure you that we are facing a pleasant and important evolution of the band, for now we will only detract from the name of the album. Little by little we will advance information.




After it rains in the eyes it always scampes in the heart”

On February 14 at 20:00 hours, 5 LUNAS PRODUCCIONES and SHERISH will present exclusively the premiere of the video clip of our new song “Escampa”.

In this production we have had the important collaboration of Manuel Martínez (Singer of Medina Azahara), along with other musicians. We think that with “Escampa” we take another step forward to keep intact the goal of continuing to give a lot of life to Andalusian Progressive Rock.


Alberto Ramírez: Vocals and Drums.
Juanma Rodríguez: Keyboards and Piano.
Juan Antonio Ramírez: Electric guitars.
Diego Fernández: Electric bass.

*Lyrics: Alberto Ramírez & Manuel Martínez
*Music: Alberto Ramírez & Juanma Rodriguez
Produced by 5 Lunas Producciones and Sherish

*Manuel Martinez (Medina Azahara): Vocals
*Manuel Ibáñez (Medina Azahara): Backing vocals
*Jesús Melli (D ́Caramelo): Backing vocals
*Antonio Ramírez (Casa Andalucía de Leganés): Flamenco guitar

*Sound Recorded and Mastered in “Estudios Audiorama” (Puerto Real – Cádiz)
*Voice of Manuel Martínez and Choirs of Manuel Ibáñez recorded in “Estudios Samurai” (Córdoba)
*Flamenco guitar recorded at “Estudios Naninartwork” (Madrid)
*Videolyric: Underground Visuals



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